"... This was one of those rare occasions where writing and acting simply transfer you into someone else's life and experience. Deeply felt, deeply unsentimental. It was enough to move anyone to tears. And did."
The Times, May 1988
"A touchingly written monologue. No politics here, but a reminder that mothers - whatever their political, religious or national persuasion - love their sons. A message worth hearing."
Guardian, May 1988
"...beautifully written, very moving, and perceptive."
BBC London, July 1988
"The merit of Nava Semel's searching script lies less in what it tells you than in what it makes you feel. Sustained by a series of delicate, powerful images, it has a poetic dimension that offers insights into the world of the child, through the mother."
Guardian, January 1990
"...there are still a few remaining tears blurring my eyesight- for truly, I've never listened to a lovelier story."
Letter to the BBC, July 1988
"This is the most moving and poignant play that I've ever heard."
Letter to the BBC, July 1988
"...So seldom have I seen or heard, mentally handicapped children presented with such sensitivity."
Letter from MAZE HILL School, London, May 1988
"...A splendid play...the families were deeply moved by the sensitive and honest nature of it."
The Down Syndrome Association, London, June 1988
"...An unforgettable emotional experience".
Jewish Gazette, January 1990
"...I was very impressed by the simple truth and beauty of the play, and how the emotion, always present, was given with reserve... very moving and full of poetry, gives to this story something more, like an opening to another dimension."
RTBF Brussels, September 1989
"...A world rich with feelings and experiences. we never sense any self pity. It contains deep and piercing pain, moving us with its aspiration for hope."
Il Tempo, MAY 1990
"...Breaking the Down's Syndrome taboo...a play about love".
Irish Times, January 1990
"...The combined forces of theme and treatment are irresistible...it is a rare experience."
Irish Times, January 1990
"... The play succeeds in doing what true theatre must always do; making us confront our fears, pain and anguish... the value of the play is its reliability and its restrain. A great achievement of the playwright!"
HA'HARETZ, April 1987
"...Nava Semel had build a story clean of sentimentalism or off-beat tones... when the audience leave they are different from the way they were when they went in."
Kolbo Haifa, June 1987
"...A humanistic play that broaden the heart."
Al Hamishmar, June 1987
"...Wisely written... highly recommended!"
Yedioth Achronot, April 1987
"...It was a most moving evening for me. I truly hope that the important message will eventually help to change the attitude towards the disabled in our society."
Professor S. Reizner, Head of the Infant Ward at Belinson Hospital, July 1987
"Q: How do you accept international acclaim?
A: Every good thing that happens in my life surprises me. Basically, I'm always prepared for the limit of good things. I'm happy when the world suddenly smiles to me, for it is often cloudy."
HA'IR Tel Aviv, Interview with Nava Semel, July 1988