I read the book avidly. Seven fascinating short stories. Nava Semel moved me deeply with her ability to describe love.
Galia Albin, Yedioth Ahronoth, 5.6.06
Nava is no longer a ‘young girl’ herself, yet she manages to skillfully reconstruct first loves and the feelings of confusion aroused by poignant youthful love. Seven love stories for young people that take place in Israel in different periods illustrate how love never changes. Our thanks to Nava, and we warmly recommend her book.
BAZZ Internet Portal, Feb. 2006
There’s something beautiful about going back to the beginning, when we first discovered the most wonderful emotion in the world. And it is interesting to discover that when it comes later in life, it seems to be sweetest when it resembles ‘sweet sixteen’. A caressing, lighthearted and enjoyable book!
Anahnu Internet Website, March 2006
A collection of moving stories. Different perspectives of young people who experience love for the first time. Wholeheartedly recommended.
TV Channel Two, March 2006
Nava Semel weaves stories that have secrets, excitement, internal conflict, attraction, and especially – love…Love for Beginners is written in delicate and moving language. Not only for young people.
Galei Zahal Radio, February 2006
A very enjoyable read. Not only for young people, but first and foremost for anyone who has already experienced mature love – perhaps it will bring back memories. A book that inspires a big smile.
Radio Zafon, 21.4.06
"Great Short on Adolescent Love "
Nava Semel's story of very young love is autobiographical fiction at its best: funny, moving and painfully true. Since relatively little of her work has been translated into English (although some is available on amazon) this short provides a rare opportunity to get acquainted with a distinguished Israeli writer.
Helen Epstein, American writer, Amazon, 16.7.06
Nava Semel's short story is a touching reflection on the beginnings of young love. She captures the feelings and sensitivies of young adults as they begin to experience feelings of love for the very first time, which remain with them throughout their lives. It is great that Nava Semel's work is brought to an English speaking audience.
Dr. Sharon Cohen, Australia, Amazon, 25.7.06
Nava Semel, one of Israel’s leading, outstanding authors, wrote a marvelous autobiographical short story of young love that applies to all, very vivid, sensitive, realistic and touching. I love Nava Semel's work, we read and discussed all her books at our Hebrew Book Club in Chicago. I am delighted her work is translated into English and can reach out English speaking crowd.
Ophira Ben-Arieh, Hebrew Book Club Chicago, Amazon, 28.7.06
Take a nice break for a bit of nostalgia by reading this short story in the middle of a hectic day. It is a story, that virtually anyone can relate to, that reminds us of the purity and sweetness (and sometimes angst) of first love.
Natalie Barak, Amazon, 11.8.06
Reviewers describe these seven stories of young love, first kisses and secret dreams as “fascinating,” “written in delicate and moving language,” “a very enjoyable read… that inspires a big smile.”
Bookbird USA vol 46:1, 2008