A rich and marvelous collection. Daring and un-prettified contents. The innovations that this book heaps upon us are manifold. The rhyming is sophisticated, delightful, but also demands contemplation and investigation, with its dazzling use of the different layers of Hebrew, both ancient and modern. Nava Semel’s attitude to the heroes of the Bible is intimate, at eye-level, and unbiased. This is a living, and enriching depiction of characters who are intertwined with God, with others and with themselves. She gives a voice to the silent and to the silenced. Her book is replete with high points. Each poem provokes thought, soul-searching, empathy.
Author Judith Rotem, 5.11.15
The humanistic-ethical-Judaic world outlook finds expression anew in each poem … Such literary interpretation has a very long tradition in Hebrew culture and literature, and this book adds an important, challenging and original layer of bricks to that magnificent structure. The humor in some of the poems infuses them with a peaceable tint. I only hope that this book finds an echo in the hearts of a good many people and that it will perform its humanist-Judaic work upon them.
Prof. Nurit Govrin, 27.1.15
A refined and unique book, abounding in love of Hebrew and love of Hebrew culture.
Poet Navit Barel, 27.10.15
A really intriguing book … The book takes the Bible stories to places that are daring even to a secular reader.
Ruvik Rosental, Maariv NRG, 13.11.15
Well worth reading … A different way of looking at the Bible.
Attila Somfalvi, Ynet, 2.11.15
Hymn to the Bible is something of a refreshing breeze …You have to read the book and to take pleasure in the beauty and the purity of the words of the poems … It’s fun to tuck into the Bible’s legends, into the mythology-history-philosophy from which the Bible is molded, when it is all served up in so intriguing a dish.
Alice Blitental, News 1, 21.12.15
An author blessed with talents. A particularly original work. A surprising book. Modern, contemporary interpretation of the Bible that gives it topical significance and removes it from the sphere of religion. A remarkably courageous book.
Smadar Perry, Kol Israel 2, 21.11.15
An enchanting book, in both content and form. Rare in these parts. Original and modern interpretation, refreshing … A thought-provoking book. Very highly recommended.
Anat Dolev, Kol Israel, 22.10.15
A very interesting book, full of up-to-date, topical interpretations. The Bible speaks to Nava Semel and she speaks back to it.
Iris Lavie, Kol Israel, 24.10.15
An excellent book … A book that does not paint the people of the past in a prettier way, but rather depicts them as human beings.
Shmuel Shay, Kol Israel, 14.11.15
A pleasure to read. I read it, and can never get enough of it. Nava Semel has been blessed with a talent for getting deep into the reader’s soul. A treasure of a book.
Retired judge Hadassah Ahituv-Hartman, 7.12.15